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CARES Certification

The CARES Certification Program describes the training operations that CARES will perform to build member skills proficiency in support the CARES mission. 

The CARES Training and Certification Plan was developed to formalize the the approach, methods, and standards for how CARES certifications will be granted.  The plan has been reviewed and indorsed by the City of Cupertino Office of Emergency Services and approved by the Cupertino City Council under Resolution 03-038 in March 2003.

Certification training leads to an individual receiving a certification for a specific emergency operational position.  A certification is granted when an individual meets the requirements outlined in the specific certification training program. 

Activities leading to certification may include self-study, attending training sessions or seminars, participating in drills and exercises, and demonstrating specific knowledge and skills required by a position.

CARES grants certifications for the following operating positions:

  • Field Responder

  • Net Control Station Operator

  • EOC Operator

  • Shift Supervisor

updated:  April 24, 2007