Preliminary Safety Assessment (PSA)
Resource Page

Training | Tools | Process | Reports | Presentations

Last Updated: 15 July 2024


This page contains information about the CARES Preliminary Safety Assessment Process. The PSA process is one of the first things we were asked to do when activated after an infrastructure-shaking event.

This page will be updated as additional material is identified.


Damage Assessment
Presentation on START and Damage Assessment (Pg 9); includes categories, terms, and what to look for. See Damage Classification (pg 35) on what we look for during the PSA.

Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START), Part 1
Video, 6:30 min; introduction CERT Training Video on Triage using START and RPM. Describes the START process.

Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START), Part 2
Video, 9:26 min, continuation of the above video. Shows how START is applied to a simulated accident.

Preliminary Safety Assessment Overview
Video, 17:31 min, Introduction the CARES PSA Process and shows how it works. February 2016



COES 105 SitSat - PSA Field Form
CARES Field Form for collecting information on your PSA.

COES 106 SitStat - PSA Roll-up/Tracking Form
CARES EOC Form for rolling up all received PSA reports. The contents of this report is then delivered to the EOC.

COES 106 SitStat - PSA Roll-up/Tracking Form and Instructions
.csv spreadsheet version of the above form, used when collecting PSA reports with the intent of forwarding the report to the EOC by packet radio. January 2017.

CCC Street Map
Cupertino street map with County Grid markings. 2012



PSA Process, page 6
PSA Process as found in the Field Communications Operations Handbook.

PSA sample exchange, written, page 16
Sample exchange for passing PSA traffic between a Field Operator, Net Control, and the EOC. This essentially shows who says what when passing PSA traffic.

PSA sample exchange, Audio
Recording of what the PSA exchange sounds like between a Field Operator, Net Control, and the EOC.

PSA sample data collection form, page 28
Sample filled out COES 105 SitSat - PSA Field Form by a field operator. This is what your form should look like prior to passing your PSA traffic to the EOC.

PSA Packet Recorder Process
This is the process for recording PSA reports in a spreadsheet for sending to the EOC by Packet.

PSA Packet Recorder Template
This is a .csv (comma-delimited) spreadsheet used to collect PSA reports for sending by packet. See the PSA Packet Recorder Process above for details on how to use this file.



After Action Report, 2018
Summary and Findings from the 2018 PSA Exercise.

After Action Report, 2017
Summary and Findings from the 2017 PSA Exercise.



Preliminary Safety Assessment Process Refresher
2021, PSA Refresher as a lead up to the 2021 PSA exercise.


Upcoming Activities

5 Sep 2024, General Meeting
Topic TBD, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00   

3 Oct 2024, General Meeting
Topic TBD, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00   

19 Oct 2024, CCC Exercise
Details TBD   

7 Nov 2024, General Meeting
Topic TBD, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00   

5 Dec 2024, General Meeting
Topic Year End Review, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00