
Introduction | Meetings | City Training | CARES Training | Self-paced | By Date
Updated: 14 January 2023


The CARES training objectives are:


To paraphrase the U.S. Army, we train as we deploy, and deploy as we train. Essentially, CARES tries to provide realistic training, especially for those tasks that are repetitive, with the goal of building muscle memory so that our communications actions are instinctive as possible.

A lot of what we do follows a repeatable process. This is true whether we are operating on a resource or message net, deploying to the field, passing messages, or performing the assigned mission. Since we are not activated that often, CARES relies on documented procedures, relevent training, and field exercises to put it all into practice. Then, when we are called on, CARES can deploy as we train.


General Meetings

The focus of CARES monthly general meetings are for our members to review the roles, processes, procedures, and responsibilities that we will encounter during an activation.  This training directly support our mission and the CARES Certification Program.

The training sessions are usually informal, held during our monthly general meetings, and are intended to elicit constructive discussion by the membership as we examine our emergency management policies and procedures.


Required City Training

The City of Cupertino, as well as the Santa Clara Country RACES, requires specific ICS classes for all volunteers. All CARES members are required to complete the following on-line classes(2).

  1. IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
  2. IS-200.C: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
  3. IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
  4. SEMS-G606: Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)(1)



Required CARES Training

Because the City of Cupertino and its residents will be depending on us in emergencies, it's essential that we have the right knowledge and training to assure that we can peform our roles efficiently and effectively. For this reason, CARES leverages the Santa Clara County RACES credentialing program. In technical fields, credentialing (usually called certification) has been used for 20+ years to verify an individual’s ability. Like Santa Clara County RACES, CARES uses credentials in a similar manner and the various County RACES training classes.

To get started with County Training, create an account for yourself on the Santa Clara County ARES/RACES website. Click on the Training & Events Calendar link on the left. Select New User and fill in the details. Be sure to choose Cupertino as your primary agency. Next, get started by registering for and taking these classes.

Fundamental Classes

  1. Introduction to Emergency Communications(2)
  2. Fundamentals of Emergency Communications

These classes are offered 2-3 times each year.

Field Operational Training

  1. SCC RACES Type 4 Credential
  2. Field Operations Training
    • Field Operations - Type III, Part A
    • Field Operations - Type III, Part B, Type II
  3. CARES Field Operations Handbook self-study
  4. Other County classes based your interest, such as:
    • Net Control - Type III/Part A, Type III/Part B
    • Packet Operations - Type III/Part A, Type III/Part B
    • Shadowing - Type III
    • Other Core Courses (see the County training page for all classes)

See the CARES Training Officer for information and help getting started.


Upcoming Activities

3 Oct 2024, General Meeting
Windshield Survey and Drill Prep, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00   

19 Oct 2024, CCC Exercise
Communications Exercise using Windshield Survey and Ark Support. 08:00 to 12:00   

7 Nov 2024, General Meeting
Informal Message Passing, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00   

5 Dec 2024, General Meeting
Topic Year End Review, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00