Training by date
Introduction |
General Meetings |
Required Training |
By Date
Log in required for member-only documents*
Log in required for member-only documents*
- 3-Oct-2024 - Windshield Survey Area, Drill Prep
- 5-Sep-2024 - Cupertino Parks on the Air Overview
- 6-June-2024 - 2024 Field Day Prep
- 2-May-2024 - 2024 Earthquake Risks
- 18-Apr-2024 - Severe Weather Communications Exercise
- 4-Apr-2024 - Field Portable Power Review
- 14-Mar-2024 - Comm Refresher and Radio Basics, 2024
- 7-Mar-2024 - Communications Beyond CARES
- 1-Feb-2024 - Type IV Credential Deep Dive Refresher
- 4-Jan-2024 - Informal Damage Observations
- 7-Dec-2023 - ISA Drill AAR, Year-End Review
- 2-Nov-2023 - ISA Process Overview & Drill Prep*
- 5-Oct-2023 - Emergency Response Go-Kits
- 7-Sep-2023 - Forms Refresher and update
- 1-Jun-2023 - 2023 Field Day Prep
- 4-May-2023 - Power Outages... Car as a Generator
- 20-Apr-2023 - Tips on getting your Credentials
- 13-Apr-2023 - Comm Refresher and Radio Basics
- 6-Apr-2023 - Extreme Wind Event AAR Review
- 2-Mar-2023 - Disaster Communications
- 2-Feb-2023 - Canceled
- 5-Jan-2023 - Messaging 101
- 1-Dec-2022 - 2022 Year-End Review
- 3-Nov-2022 - ALT911 Update
- 6-Oct-2022 - Preparing for an EMP
- 1-Sep-2022 - NOAA Weather Radio Overview
- 2-Jun-2022 - CTF Evacuation Exercise Retroepective,
CARES Field Day,
                      4th of July PSE Prep - 9-May-2022 - CTF Evacuation Comm for Affiliated Volunteers, Recording
- 5-May-2022 - CTF Evacuation Comm Exercise Prep
- 7-Apr-2022 - Coordination in Community Evacuation, Discussion
- 17-Mar-2022 - CCC Communications Refresher
- 3-Mar-2022 - Field Communications Handbook
- 3-Feb-2022 - Net Control for the rest of us, Handbook
- 6-Jan-2022 - Cupertino OEM Overview
- 2-Dec-2021 - 2021 Year-End Review
- 4-Nov-2021 - Earthquake Day 2, Comm Outage and Drill Prep
- 7-Oct-2021 - Forms -- Why's and How's
- 2-Sep-2021 - Cupertino ARK Refresher
- 3-Jun-2021 - ISA Exercise Retrospective | Why HF? | CARES Field Day
- 6-May-2021 - ISA Exercise Prep*
- 1-Apr-2021 - San Jose Water System Overview*
- 4-Mar-2021 - Cupertino Sanitary District System Overview, Video
- 4-Feb-2021 - CARES Message Handling | The Art of Communication
- 7-Jan-2021 - Preliminary Safety Assessment Process Refresher
- 3-Dec-2020 - First Look Exercise Review | 2020 Year-End Review
- 5-Nov-2020 - First Look Drill Prep
- 1-Oct-2020 - W6TDM Repeater Operations*
- 3-Sep-2020 - Infectious Disease Response Plan Review
- 3-Jun-2020 - 2020: a very different Field Day
- 7-May-2020 - 2020 Comm Outage Drill Prep
- 2-Apr-2020 - Alt911 Refresher; Field-based Call Taking
- 5-Mar-2020 - Packet Radio Overview
- 6-Feb-2020 - Rapid Needs Assessment (a.k.a. windshield Survey) |
                      Everything you need to know about Lithium Batteries - 2-Jan-2020 - Type IV Credentials Deep Dive
- 5-Dec-2019 - 2019 Year-End Review
- 7-Nov-2019 - PSPS Activation; Retrospective
- 3-Oct-2019 - Earthquake Fundamentals and Public Works
- 5-Sep-2019 - PSPS: Public Safety Power Shutoff
- 6-Jun-2019 - 2019 Field Day!
- 2-May-2019 - Introduction to the Cupertino Emergency Operations Plan
- 4-Apr-2019 - Cupertino DPW and Emergency Response
- 7-Mar-2019 - Emergency Response Go-Kits
- 7-Feb-2019 - Earthquake 2018 Exercise Review |
                      Shelter Review from deployment - 3-Jan-2019 - Extend Operating Times during a blackout
- 6-Dec-2018 - 2018 Earthquake Drill Prep
- 1-Nov-2018 - Alt911 Overview
- 4-Oct-2018 - Cupertino ARK Overview
- 6-Sep-2018 - Forms -- Why's and How's
- 7-Jun-2018 - Field Day, 4th of July Prep
- 3-May-2018 - Wildland Fire Drill Prep
- 5-Apr-2018 - CalFire on a Wildland Fire Response
- 1-Mar-2018 - County Fire - Ready, Set, Go
- ?-Feb-2018 -
- 4-Jan-2018 - Preliminary Safety Assessment Review, Updates
- 7-Dec-2017 - Cross-band Repeaters
- 2-Nov-2017 - Preparing for an EMP
- 5-Oct-2017 - CARES Frequency Plan
- 7-Sep-2017 - County Comm Operations - Update |
                      SCC RACES MAC Program - 1-Jun-2017 - July 4th Fireworks Event
- 4-May-2017 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment Process Drill Prep*
- 6-Apr-2017 - San Jose Water and Emergency Mgmt
- 2-Mar-2017 - Forms for Field Responders
- 2-Feb-2017 - Emergency Response Go-Kits
- 5-Jan-2017 - Reviewing 2016, Planning 2017
- 1-Dec-2016 - 2016 Earthquake! Drill Prep
- 3-Nov-2016 - Mixed Message Passing
- 5-Oct-2016 - SCCFD and ACES
- 1-Sep-2016 - Operational Checkpoint on Risks
- 21-Jul-2016 - Communications Outage Risk Assessment: a case study
- 2-Jun-2016 - 2016 Communications Outage Drill Summary
- 5-May-2016 - 2016 Communications Outage, Packet Edition – Drill Prep
- 7-Apr-2016 - Packet Radio Part 1, | Part 2
- 6-Apr-2016 - Anatomy of a Communications Outage
- 3-Mar-2016 - Batteries… care and feeding
- 4-Feb-2016 - Emergency Response Go-Kits
- 4-Feb-2016 - START and Damage Assessment
- 1-Dec-2015 - 2015 Communications Outage Drill Summary
                      Forms for Field Responders - 5-Nov-2015 - 2015 Communications Outage Drill Prep
                      2015 Sheriff’s Heroes Run Event Prep - 1-Oct-2015 - Cupertino Citizen Corps October Exercise Review
                      SCCFD’s ACES: Auxiliary Communications Emergency Service - 3-Sep-2015 - Anatomy of a Communications Outage
- 4-Jun-2015 - Field Day Prep
- 7-May-2015 - Introduction to Mesh Networking
- 2-Apr-2015 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment Process Overview, Part 2
- 5-Mar-2015 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment Process Overview, Part 1
- 5-Feb-2015 - Emergency Response Go-Kits
- 8-Jan-2015 - W6TDM Repeater Review*
- 4-Dec-2014 - APRS Overview, and special projects
- 6-Nov-2014 - Packet Radio field deployment
- 2-Oct-2014 - Packet Radio Overview
- 4-Sep-2014 - ARK Orientation
- 5-Jun-2014 - Field Day and 4th of July Event Prep
- 1-May-2014 - Wildland fire Drill Prep
- 3-Apr-2014 - Various topics: ARK Lighting update, Inundation area outreach project, May Exercise (Wildland Fire) highlights
- 6-Mar-2014 - Seismic Risks in the Bay Area
- 6-Feb-2014 - Drought and Wildland fire risks
- 2-Jan-2014 - Preliminary Safety Assessment Process Overview
- 5-Dec-2013 - Department Operating Center - DOC
- 6-Nov-2013 - County Fire Comm Systems and Field Deployments
- 3-Oct-2013 - Cupertino October Earthquake Drill
                      Criss-band Repeaters - 5-Sep-2013 - Emergency Response Go-Kits
- 6-Jun-2013 - Red Flag Warning; Summer Event Prep
- 2-May-2015 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment Process Overview, Part 2
- 4-Apr-2015 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment Process Overview, Part 1
- 7-Mar-2013 - Overview of WEBEOC
- 5-Feb-2013 - A case for training
- 3-Jan-2013 - Preliminary Safety Assessment Process Overview
- 6-Dec-2012 - Forms for Field Responders
- 1-Nov-2012 - Dam Break! Drill Debrief
- 4-Oct-2012 - Dam Break! Drill Prep Overview
- 6-Sep-2012 - Citizen Corps Drill Prep
                      D.O.C. Concept Overview - 7-Jun-2012 - CARES Field Day 2012, and Planning for the 4th of July event
- 3-May-2012 - SEMS Introduction Course
- 5-Apr-2012 -
- 1-Mar-2012 - Batteries, All About
- 2-Feb-2012 -
- 5-Jan-2012 - Santa Clara Emergency Wireless Network (SCEWN) Overview
- 1-Dec-2011 - START and Damage Assessment
- 3-Nov-2011 - October City-wide drill debrief
- 6-Oct-2011 - Earthquake, City Wide Drill Prep
- 1-Sep-2011 - Packet Kit Update (pages 14-23)
                      Comm Van Update (pages 24-42) - 2-Jun-2011 -
- 5-May-2011 - Voice & Packet Drill Prep
- 7-Apr-2011 - ARK Operations
- 3-Mar-2011 - Message Handling
- 3-Feb-2011 -
- 6-Jan-2011 - Preliminary Safety Assessment
- 2-Dec-2010 - Forms for Field Responders
- 4-Nov-2010 - 2010 City-Wide Drill Debrief
- 7-Oct-2010 - October Drill Debrief
- 2-Sep-2010 - Packet in Cupertino
- 3-Jun-2010 - Field Day 2010, and Planning for the 4th of July event
- 6-May-2010 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment; Drill Prep
- 1-Apr-2010 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment Process Overview
- 4-Mar-2010 - SUV Resource Management
- 4-Feb-2010 - PSA Process Overview
- 7-Jan-2010 - START and Damage Assessment
- 3-Dec-2009 - Communications Staff Augmentation
- 5-Nov-2009 - 2009 City-wide Drill Debrief
- 1-Oct-2009 - City-wide OES Activation Drill, Part 2A, Part 2B
- 3-Sep-2009 - City-wide OES Activation Drill, Part 1
- 4-Jun-2009 - Field Deployment Drill Discussion,
                      2009 Field Day Prep - 7-May-2009 - Pandemic Influenza Preparedness & Response
- 2-Apr-2009 - Hands-on Packet
- 6-Mar-2009 - Introduction to Packet
- 5-Feb-2009 - Go-Kits and Power to your Go-kit
- 8-Jan-2009 - Forms, Forms, Forms
- 4-Dec-2008 - Care and Feeding of Rechargeable Batteries
- 6-Nov-2008 - Earthquake! The CARES Response
- 2-Oct-2008 - EOC Table Top Exercise
- 4-Sep-2008 - Incident Command System, EOC Operations
- 5-Jun-2008 - Field Day Prep, 4th of July Event Prep
- 1-May-2008 - Skyline Fire Functional Exercise
- 3-Apr-2008 - Understanding the Fire Response from a Fire Fighter's perspective
- 6-Mar-2008 - Go-Kits Review
- 7-Feb-2008 - CalFire and how they deploy, or CalFire's VIP Program
- 3-Jan-2008 - Stevens Fire After Action Review
- 6-Dec-2007 - 2007 After Action Report, Follow-up
- 1-Nov-2007 - Initial Response – 1st 8 hours
- 4-Oct-2007 - Cupertino Sanitary District
- 6-Sep-2007 - San Jose Water and Emergency Preparedness
- 7-Jun-2007 - 2007 Field Day Prep
- 3-May-2007 - Foothill/DeAnza District & Emergency Preparedness
- 5-Apr-2007 - Preparedness and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices)
- 1-Mar-2007 - ATT, their network, and emergency preparedness
- 1-Feb-2007 - START Triage, Damage Assessment
- 4-Jan-2007 - County-Wide Pandemic Influenza Preparedness & Response Plan
- 7-Dec-2006 - Santa Clara County's Pandemic Plan
- 2-Nov-2006 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment; S.E.T. Prep
- 5-Oct-2006 - Infrastructure Safety Assessment
- 7-Sep-2006 - Damage Assessment and START
- 1-Jun-2006 - Summer Event Planning
- 4-May-2006 - Operating Changes & Resource Management
- 6-Apr-2006 - Cupertino DPW and Emergency Preparedness
- 2-Mar-2006 - Intro to the National Incident Management System, Part 2
- 3-Feb-2006 - Intro to the National Incident Management System, Part 1
- 5-Jan-2006 - Welcome to the W6TDM Repeater; a picture tour,
                      PSA Overview,
                      Handling Ham SUVs in Cupertino – Update
- 1-Dec-2005 - Handling Ham SUVs in Cupertino
- 3-Nov-2005 - Response Scenarios
- 6-Oct-2005 - Multiple Casualty Incident Plan (MCIP) Overview Notes
- 1-Sep-2005 - Movie 'Dirty War' Team Debrief
- 2-Jun-2005 - Art & Wine Festival, Field Day, 4th of July Prep
- 5-May-2005 - 4th of July Event Planning,
                      Field Deployment – Ark Sites - 7-Apr-2005 - PG&E and Emergency Preparedness
- 3-Mar-2005 - Go-Kit review
- 3-Feb-2005 - START Triage, Damage Assessment
- 6-Jan-2005 - Operating Changes & PSA Message Handling
- 2-Dec-2004 - Simulated Emergency Test – Debrief
- 4-Nov-2004 - Santa Clara County OES, EOC Orientation
- 7-Oct-2004 - Red Cross Communications
- 2-Sep-2004 - Cupertino Mass Shelter Ops and Floor Plan
- 3-Jun-2004 - Art & Wine Festival, Field Day, 4th of July Prep
- 6-May-2004 - 4th of July Event Planning
- 1-Apr-2004 - Introduction to Packet Radio and Outpost
- 4-Mar-2004 - Start and Damage Assessment Characteristics
- 5-Feb-2004 - Preliminary Safety Assessment Procedure
- 8-Jan-2004 - San Jose Water and Emergency Preparedness
Upcoming Activities
19 Oct 2024, CCC Exercise
Communications Exercise using Windshield Survey and Ark Support. 08:00 to 12:00. More Details...
7 Nov 2024, General Meeting
Informal Message Passing, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00
5 Dec 2024, General Meeting
Topic Year End Review, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00